Ice Mandalas

Write By: GardenMama Published In: DIY Tips Hits: 6562

Pink petals suspended in ice create an ice mandala.

To live presently with the rhythm of each season is a true joy of life. It helps us to soak in each inspiring and beautiful element of the season with gratitude, mindfulness, and artfulness.

.:Cranberries and Evergreens suspended in ice  :.

It is a yearly tradition for my family to make Ice Mandalas in February. The deep cold this month has to offer perfectly maintains this outdoor gallery of art while the monochromatic landscape offers a complementary backdrop for this bright display of color!

.: Berries and greens starting to freeze :.

With much excitement I shared with the children it was time to create ice mandalas. Soon we set out our supplies to create a dream-like world under the trees in honor of the winter season.

.: Baking pans with water set outdoors while nature does her part to freeze each mandala :.

Circular baking pans were filled with water, jute rope was taped to the edge of the pan, and then came an imaginative session of placing in each object that would soon be frozen in ice!

.: Each ice mandala sparkles as it catches the light :.

It is wonderful to step outside and behold the morning sunlight slowly returning to sparkle through the colorful objects suspended in ice.  

.: Petals on ice :.

The early evening light highlights the bubbles and swirls that form in each ice mandala. This brings great beauty and a big smile into our day!

.: Cranberries and Evergreens on Ice :.

Nature collaborated beautifully on this project, freezing each icy disk.

.: This doile is set in water outdoors to freeze, creating an Ice Mandala :.

A crocheted doile was captured in ice today and was set out in the branches of an old cherry tree to share with us the details of its pattern.

.:The sunlight illuminates each Ice Mandala as it hangs from branches:.

Soon the sun that is shining brightly once again will melt all of the snow and ice and hand back to us this doile that will be placed on a spring table set with fresh tulips from the gardens.

.: Adding petals to water creating an Ice Mandala :.

While we place each medium into the pan of water, we enjoy the yearly traditions we take part in together. These traditions are a way for us to mark the seasons and remind us of what is to come...

.:May you capture beauty, tradition and magic with your family!:.


Tags: DIY ice mandalas